Forums / Roleplaying / One last time

One last time
01:35:15 Jun 11th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Argh, I'm still really pissed at Belmont for ruining my RPs, but that's not all I'm pissed at.  Every single time I start an RP, it either dies from inactivity, some immature person ruins it, or I can't continue it due to time constraints.  I've pretty much given up all hope of the RP Forums from ever being the way they used to be.  Septim and a couple of others are the only ones trying to keep the forums alive now.

However... as you probably guessed from the title, I'm willing to give RPing one last try, mainly because I don't give up as easily as others (don't listen to that lie, I'm just really bored).  So... does anyone want me to start another Werewolf round?  Because I'm not starting it if no one will join it.

02:29:40 Jun 11th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

make a medieval on with dragons?


sorry to flamed at you man it wasnt my intention i got pissed off...

my Sensei told it would be polite to say sorry...

11:49:33 Jun 14th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

i think we should make one with three sides equally spread. Werewolves , Vampires , Humans. and each person plays as a warlord of each race. we all start with one city and to build a troop of each type costs x,y,z gold. each city is also worth x,y,z gold. the objective is to be the only warlord alive by the end.

18:50:10 Jun 14th 09 - Sir Santa:

Or something less gamelike:
Several sides as you already mentioned(I personally like Belmonts idea of Dragons, would be cool to be leader of a group of dragons) with each side being led by one warlord. These factions are against eachother, neutral or allied with eachother. However, secret alliances may be made ;)
Then the warlords will start "playing" via storywriting. They all write aspects of whats  happening, seen through their own eyes. However, they do need to involve some of the others in their stories, so we can all react to eachother.
So say if I were the leader of a group of dragons I could venture into Werewolflands. Maybe one of my kin rushes of to attack some vampiric villagers or I myself, also a dragon, gets attacked by a bunch of humans with torches and stuff so the others can react :D

Anybody like my idea? :)

18:56:58 Jun 14th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

yes i do about the Dragons

19:01:22 Jun 14th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

Okay how about

We all pick one race.

Lycan - vampire- Nazgul - Dragon - Human - elf

We make them each have a balanced strengthed troops. and give them each gold. if you want to make it more realistic give some stronger troops and less starting gold.

we are a warlord in control of 20 of our elite troops. a certain amount of gold and a piece of land(you pick terrain)

each race is stronger in certain types of terrain.

22:27:37 Jun 14th 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Ressurected:

From within the shadows of the Carrothian lands, a vague figure awakens from his infernal slumber...

" roam these lands once more is satisfaction on itself, to annihilate everything walking on these lands however...that will be bliss..." the strange creature spoke to himself...

so anywayz...Werewolf games are fun to do...all you need is enough people to participate and also mature enough players so they don't give away their roles and such and are actually able to achieve an high enough RP quality in their posts...keep in mind everyhing can be learned if practiced dont go like "u sux" right away :)

I myself liked to host my rounds of the werewolf game, setting them up nicely in my own realm where I was god and ruler of wait...demon and destroyer of all...just make it medieval, horrific, brutal and funny at the same time...a good storyline is everything when it comes to keeping players active...

22:31:43 Jun 14th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

I thought Scientist was the destroyer of all? He did kind of blow up Carrothia...I personally will never host a Werewolf myself because I would easily lose my temper with the number of people that typically go inactive or post one-liners.

16:56:28 Jun 18th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

Just get anything going.

03:29:49 Jun 20th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

ok i am gona heal the wounds and damage that i did to the RP forum.

making 2 rps 1 similar to ''choose your path'' and the other 1 and RP story with Sing Ups that will contain draons and things like that. any ideas?

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